Since 1996, Ruhama Foundation has worked to enable Roma and disadvantaged people to live a good and dignified life.

Break the cycle of Roma exclusion

From segregation and extreme poverty to never-ending social-economic disparities, the reality of Roma people across Europe can be turned around only with a holistic approach to socio-economic integration.

Social change and social development

We promote, develop, and teach integrated socio-economic solutions for social change and social development aiming to facilitate and empower people to live a dignified and fulfilled social, economical, political, and cultural life.

Change is reality, collaboration is strategy

We work with public institutions, companies, and private individuals to extend the magnitude, the number of beneficiaries, and the geographical focus of our integrated social-intervention models, know-how, and expertise.


Fundația Ruhama implementează primului său proiect finanțat din fonduri PNRR – Programul Național de Redresare și Reziliență, respectiv proiectul “Ecosistemul cultural local - instrument pentru promovarea incluziunii, a diversității și a toleranței”, Investiția I5 – 1, Creșterea accesului la cultură în zonele defavorizate din punct de vedere cultural, în cadrul Componentei C11.Turism și cultură. Valoarea totală a proiectului, inclusiv finanțarea este de 218.640 RON.

Cititi comunicatul de presa de lansare a proiectului

Proiect ID 149 Banner

The project “A good start through preschool education” has started!

Ruhama Foundation announces the start of the project “A good start through preschool education”, a project co-financed by Operational Programme Human Capital (POCU) 2014-2020, MySMIS code 134575, which has started on December 16 2020, and will end on June 16 2023. The project’s total value is 3.886.702,95 RON, of which the value of the EU co-financing is 3.834.664,07 RON.

Read the press release (RO)